The Office Built With You in Mind

At Align Chiropractic we do a lot of things differently; our current patients already know this. We built our office procedures with our patients in mind. We are truly a family business, and we know that most offices don’t seem to actually consider what patients want, but rather force them into office routines that make […]

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Migraines and Neuro-Structural Chiropractic

TL;DR – Research shows that Neuro-Structural Chiropractic care is really safe and really effective for migraines. Your head is pounding, and just the lights in the room make it worse. You feel nauseated and even a whisper sounds like a megaphone pressed up against your ear. Yep…you have a migraine. To put it bluntly – […]

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Neuro-Structural Chiropractic is a Golfer’s Best Friend

TL;DR: Golf requires your body to be able to coordinate complex movements and puts stress on your body. Neuro-Structural Chiropractic helps with that. Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a research guy. I read a lot of it. I belong to a research group and I’ve even published research (you can read the summary […]

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Despite What You Might Have Heard Deep Squats Are Awesome

TL; DR – Deep squats are awesome, but you need to have good technique. Like many people my first experience with weight lifting had mixed results. I was a respectable 6’0” tall, but weighed all of 140 pounds soaking wet with a pocket full of coins. I lifted hard and often, but never seemed to […]

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Back to Basics – A Better Approach to Exercise

TL;DR – A basic exercise program (BEP) is a better way to get into (or back into) exercise, while short term high intensity programs (STHIPs) are better suited as a way to change up an already consistent exercise routine.   As with many of us, athletics are where I learned how to exercise, learned how […]

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Arthritis and Fish Oil

TL;DR – Fish oil supplements have been shown to be effective in reducing pain from chronic arthritis. Fish oil supplements are very popular and for good reason, but a lot of people still don’t know why. We will explore some of the better known aspects of fish oil, and touch on some of the less […]

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Anterior Head Syndrome and Low Back Pain

Everything we do at Align Chiropractic has a purpose and reason. Today we want to shed some light on why we always analyze the entire spine for neuro-structural shifts, and address the shifts wherever they occur, even if some regions of the spine are pain-free. Anterior Head Syndrome (AHS) is a growing problem in the […]

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Why Neuro-Structural Care for Low Back Pain?

People are continuing to experience low back pain at an incredibly high rate. Current statistics show that 8 out of 10 Americans will experience low back pain at some point. (1) If that weren’t bad enough, low back pain doesn’t seem to really have a preference regarding who it affects. The CDC reports that of […]

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Neuro-Structural Care for Pregnancy

My wife is amazing. No questions, no debates. While there are a plethora of reasons why I say this, I am currently referring specifically to her giving birth to both of our wonderful children. I will avoid straying too far down memory lane, but I want to take a minute to discuss my wife’s experience […]

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Quick Fitness Test – Plank

TL;DR: You should be able to hold a spine neutral plank position for 2 minutes. Train by a combination of short intervals and longer holds. We are going to spend a few blogs going over some basic fitness tests to see where you fall on the spectrum and help identify how you can improve. Today’s […]

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